Led by teenagers who were guided and supported by the local Romsey Mill charity, Rebel Women is the result of a year’s work by many amazing women and those who supported them in their work, women and men together.
Read what Slate the Disco has to say:
Interviewing successful but also everyday women, women “who could be your neighbour”, Ruthie says, these girls have seen other perspectives of what being a woman means – expanding ideas of what female role models might be, celebrating women. The show itself fuses visual art, live art, video and text – all with a feminist twist. From photoshoots of women in Romsey Town (like the Romsey Town Rollerbillies), to the pop videos of live artists Bryony Kimmings’ feminist pop star Catherine Bennett, to videos of Hollie Mcnish’s poetry – there’s animation and film, too.
Slate the Disco interviewed Ruthie, to find her inspirations behind the show, and what she felt people could learn. Read the review and interview, on their site.